Usability Assessment

 Launching a new product or modifying an existing one, we’ll work with you to improve the user experience and future-proof the growth of your products.
Our usability assessment includes a report of findings and recommendations in the following areas.

Heuristic Evaluation

We use Nielsen’s Heuristic Evaluation as our main method for assessing the usability of systems, processes, tools, and standards. A heuristic evaluation is a usability inspection method for computer software that helps to identify usability problems (the “heuristics”) in the user interface (UI) design in a short amount of time.

ADA Compliance

ADA website compliance applies to the Americans with Disabilities Act Standards for Accessible Design.  We’ll verify compliance and provide an action plan to avoid lawsuits and ensure your products are useable for everyone.

Performance Overview​

Create better digital products by getting feedback and best practices guidance in several areas such as (but not limited to) accessibility, security, speed, cross-browser compatibility and more. 

Product Alignment Analysis​

We know exactly how to align your product with the ideal market, prioritize backlogs based on value and outline a roadmap that not only gets your version 1 out the door but strategically stair steps your product to its ultimate value proposition. 

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